
Gang green

Imagine a running shoe.
and when you place you foot inside it.
jello squishes between your toes.
and every crevice is filled with green jello.
It hardens and thickens and eventually your foot is stuck
you panic. you scream, but you have succumbed to the mean green
you decide to run for miles thinking the impacts of each step will
make it crumble.
but no, oh no.
the jello under goes a metamorphis from your toe sweat
it starts to crawl up your leg.
you try to shave it off, but i consumes you razor and evolves to
stage 3 gang green jello.
It is getting close to the crotchal region.
you have two options
cut your leg off.
or find out what the jello will do to your genitals.

use your imagination.young panda.

imagine your sausage and biscuits engrossed in this anamorphic jello
and jello and clams don't sound good together either
if you have to be peg leg Pete for the rest of your life.
i think it wouldn't be so bad.
u always have a Halloween costume.
it's fully customizable, with engravings, wood stains.
and you can opt for titanium.
and kick some doors down to people who pissed you off.
or if you just happen to get locked out one day.
in fact i may just cut off my own legs.
sounds fun.

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