Two types of habanero hot sauce and enough of each to make my nachos float like boats over the fiery sea.
Ingest the fiery sea.
Your fiery sea wants to rejoin its friends from other hot sauce bingers and all the seas converge in the sewage system where they will plan a retaliation by re-bottling themselves to burn your digestive tract all once more.
But what i don't really get is why do people such as myself do these things realizing that it will burn your asshole and make you hunch over so far you can clearly see the dirt under your toenails. Is it human nature to repeat things that you know have an unsatisfying end just to fulfill the present pleasure? Now i'm sure we could inch over to religious symbolism here but I'm sticking with hot-sauce and a burnt anus. Something i hope no one looks for to as a model to pivot there life around on.
Is it come to the day in age where instant gratification always triumphs over the end result?
I suppose this is where STD's come from. Maybe babies. Maybe when i consume gratuitous amounts of hot-sauce it burns my asshole because it is like contracting volcanic gonorrhea as a result of not equipping a simple glove for my one fingered friend.
Maybe i'll start a PSA for this. And offer some free discount coupons to a mexican restaurant with condoms attached.
However, i still have a dilemma. Condoms will prevent disease and babies. But what will prevent my ass from ejecting the flames of hell into my toilet bowl?
Things i will ponder every time i put hot sauce on...well... everything.
What a convenient photo i found eh?