

Visual programming is a nice, but I still have an aversion to Max and TouchDesigner interfaces.  Perhaps it was all the academic brainstorm formats that haunt me.  The time of my life when I had to do my homework because my parents will be happy if I get good grades and will know if I Photoshop them to look better.

Twine was nice because of the immediate gratification.  You write a story point and it's there.  You can add on or it can stand on its own.  In the previous sketch, I mentioned it changed the way I thought.  I've always found dialogue to be the easiest thing to write.  Scenes are not always held responsible to carry the weight of a narrative. It's like banter with an old friend after a few beers on an empty stomach.  Twine enforced a rule-set to connect scenes.  If I can have any form of organization that promotes clarity in my work i'm a happy banana.

There is a draw to structuring my work.  I usually go by feeling and it is much harder to organize feelings since they are so unstable.  Also, I noticed in writing this way, I was able to move the story faster. Once you finish a container, you can leave that idea there rather than re-working it to a soggy page of eraser marks.

Twine html doc

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