

A sinus infection in August.  A first for me.  I always associated colds with, well the cold.  Now here in the biggest heatwave of the year I'm sitting in my apartment, straddling my a/c like a lover.


I woke up and stepped into the main room.  Thick air greeted me softly as the sun rose.  I shuffled over to the bathroom and splashed cold water in my face, winced at my imperfections in the mirror, and said fuck it and filled a glass of water.

My nose was leaking more than the fire hydrants cracked open in the streets and the tissue paper made my skin raw.  I popped a pain relief for my sore throat and blinked a couple times.

I nestled back into my sheets and crawled up to another.  Still sleeping -- while a friend remained on the floor to share the a/c unit.  Light filtered between the crack in the shades with the realization that I'm not going to get very far from this room.

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