
LED Fade

This weeks assignment was to create an LED fade that can be interrupted.

Using materials around the floor I planned to create a flower night light.

Some fiber optic cable I bought last semester but never used.

Arduino with a HIGH and LOW state switch along with the LED light source for the flower.

Testing ways to use the fiber optic cable.

Construction of the diffuser petals, created from different opacities of paper.  The thicker weight paper was used as a base to focus the light and give structure.  Then the lighter opacity paper was built off of that.  YG in the back hard at work.

Difficult to capture the LED in this environment, but this video shows when the user activates the switch, the fade will accelerate the speed fading up/down.  When the user's hand comes off the switch, the fade will resume the default speed at the same point it left off.

Here is the default fade being run in a darker room.

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