

I named this post bizzare because I took a different approach to this assignment.  This is inspired from the readings a few weeks ago that showcased the intuitive ways writing was integrated with technology. 

Physicality of the process. 

When I write, traditionally, there is a feeling of elegance and simplicity that makes everything fluid.  I wanted to reflect that in whatever my output was.  I also wanted to introduce ideas and concepts that I could further explore as the course progresses.

adding multiple generated glyphs to create one character

reducing the space between them to make them one object

same thing but curvy

My "signature" series:

I wanted to created the sense of self.  When you used to sign for everything a signature naturally develops.  I thought this reflected a lot of personality.


Now the stuff below reminded my of a child scribbling on a notebook.  That's a form of communication not even the child understands.  Pure subconscious.

I took the grid layout and saturated the values till they bled all over each other.

This next one was fun:

Created simple lines, a large blank cell bellow and hit the refresh button for the next frame.  It's a python animation! 

Lot's of fun–


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