

Since the semester started I have founded a new appreciation for the "process" of my projects.  While the end result is more polished, it doesn't always articulate the bumps on the road it took to get there.  I carry around a sketchbook where I write everything down for all my classes, and just ideas in general.  In itself is a story of the mangled information being spit out from my brain.

For this AR piece I decided to take some of the documentation of my notes and mesh them together with the videos I took along the way.  If you asked my 2 months ago I would have never thought I would be applying AR to my notebook.  However, I think It is an element that is fascinating to explore.

I did have a piece of chorography I sketched out in my notebook as well!
However, I was faced with a slight roadblock:
Well,  here is the video of my dancing for your enjoyment anyway:

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