
The cold makes my nose cry and my toes die

I often wonder why fathers dislike turning up the heat during the winter. It seems to be a common trend. I also have the fear that I may become the same person one day. But why? I am here miserably tapping at my keyboard from the quaking shivers of harsh cold. I'm wrapped in a jacket and thick fleece pajamas that i can't escape from. WHY would i want anyone else to suffer this frigid air? Now i understand there are people far worse than i am, but even after undergoing an energy-efficient upgrade to this home it has yielded no change in the thermostat besides a new way to display the freezing temperature. My room is starting to render the 50's and it is not coming from my guitar or my plaid pants.

Perhaps it is because my father is from Wisconsin. Though, being a loving father and great husband, he should understand that his wife, my mother, is from the Philippines. That is an island —WITH MANGOES. To my understanding, this is why I desire wooly objects to encompass my entire body; otherwise, my extremities will pop off like Mr. Potato Head. That being said, i have misplaced my other alpaca blessed mitten and it is really a cause for alarm when it's starting to reach below 30 out there. If anyone would rent me a personnel Alpaca for the colder seasons let me know! The portability (it has legs) and size to warmth ratio compared to its older sibling the Llama is fantastic. Not to mention it's a wonderful conversation starter:

 As I lay miserably in the comfort of my parents home I wonder if i will truly ever understand them...or myself.


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