Doesn't life seem to fly by you like a barrage of missiles with no navigation?
Well here are some easy steps for self recognition and advice to make you leap through the air like an antelope with a jet-pack:
1. Don't isolate yourself. I mean, even the most anti social people need some socialization. There are occasions when it's good for a little 1 on 1 time with yourself, but you can only develop so much with a single influence. It's like what if you stayed in your basement all your life and taught yourself everything there is to know. You could be a genius, but where is the conflict? Where are the multiple perspective influence you gain from interactions. Your gestures will be akin to not dealing with the real world, you will become more and more awkward as the world continually spins while yours is at a stand still. The worse thing is, you are getting older in a stagnant space before you realize it you will lose the most important experiences to yourself. If you let your brain and talents remain unheard of then you should probably give it to someone who would die to act on those qualities you hoard away.
2. There is more than one thing. Too many people are becoming driven to only one focus in their lives. While drive is great, it can also become reckless. You cannot shut out everything in your life. If life was just getting a job things would be simple. Or if your dream was to own a nice home that would be nice. But it is not just about that. You need to balance everything that goes on in your life carefully. Otherwise you will start to losing the things that made you for who are, and what you will become? Do you wanna look back 10 years from now and be able to sum up what you did in a small paragraph? Or do you want the experience to overflow like an unorganized memoir of your life from your closet door. In order to have stories to tell, you need to make them happen. If Hemingway only wrote one book as his life's work would he still be talked about to this day? You are the author of your own story, and its not just one book, but a volume of vignettes condensed and cluttered without the bindings to hold the pages in place.
3. You're Beautiful. This is obvious. And it is something you shouldn't have to over analyze to understand. Too many times i see people cringe at their own bodies, their faces, their hair, the damn spec on their arm. You are a living breathing human being capable of limitless boundaries set by your mind. Your biggest enemy is the self. You are the one who sets these boundaries and only you can break them apart. Flaunt what you have, embrace yourself to show self affection, and scream i'm fucking beautiful while you brush your teeth. The sooner you recognize your uniqueness and how your mind and body is a gift to this world, the less things you have to worry about so you can focus on what really counts.
4. One step at a time. People tend to rush things. They see the green light and the peddle is to the floor. Going fast makes you miss opportunities, creating a blur of the scene-scape. Take a break and grab a snack, you don't know who or what you will encounter during that pit stop. Leave the keys in the car to tell yourself not to get stuck there though. I heard gas stations are not the most gratifying environment to blossom your ideas and dreams. You want a pace that isn't too fast and isn't too slow. Allow yourself to take in and take off. Life never stops moving forward, and neither should you.
5. Enjoy you. If you have something you've always wanted to do. Now is the time to do it. You cannot put these ideas off "for later" because they will be forgotten. The more you push your dreams away the higher they float away. Don't let them fall back down as regret. Regret hurts and you can't travel back in time to fix it. You will soon see your life head in a direction of satisfactory because you didn't act now. Don't sit in denial and tell yourself "it will be ok" to make yourself feel better. MAKE IT OK. Then and only then will things be truly "ok".
Remember, love yourself once. Love everyone twice.